Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan Overview for the period 2021 — 2026


Africa is changing rapidly but will only be for the better for individuals and families, women and children, where the next generation is afforded a good education. HOPE believes without that, the ongoing national suppression from crime, conflicts, disease, poverty, and corruption will continue.


Primary Objective:

Quality education of the next generation of African children ranks number 1 for our goals to improve the quality of life in these nations. This generation must include the poverty-stricken, orphan, and needy child and girl child indiscriminately.


Progress to date (May 2021):

From our incorporation in 2003, AHI has supported the construction and operation of over 11 Nursery Schools, 10 Primary Schools, and 2 Secondary Schools. Some of these schools are now fully completed, and AHI is the sole supporter for 14 HOPE Schools still being developed. There are over 4,000 children attending all the HOPE Schools, 18 of which are in Uganda, and 3 are in DR Congo.

Most children are unable to pay any fees whatsoever, and a small, but increasing number, is paying full or part fees. This is because AHI reaches the poorest of the poor in African villages, townships, and refugee camps.

Some of the schools have a small clinic facility with a nurse available. Others access the services of a medical officer or doctor nearby who treats all cases from the children and staff.


Current HOPE School children profile:

The average school population is higher the younger the class ages. Most primary schools have commenced to P7 level, and more and more students are graduating from primary school. There are approximately 100 children attending secondary schools in their local district or are boarding to target better schools for more advanced students. Students from S1 to S4 are migrating to our HOPE Secondary school in Kabuga, Uganda as boarding students, to that donations and sponsorships are being expended into our own project.

We have 2 secondary schools currently in operation. One in Bunia, DR Congo with partner Hope and Care for Little Souls, which has been operating to a very high standard for several years. One is in Kabuga, Western Uganda in the earlier stages of its operations.


The Primary Need:

Provide education facilities that cater for an uninterrupted education flow from Nursery to S6 Senior School education for all children commencing schooling at HOPE Schools.

Provide Vocational Training and/or business start up opportunities for children not suited to the school education process beyond either P7 or S4, depending on their academic ability.

Ultimately provide University level Education for children progressing beyond S6 who are pursuing degree levels.

Note: The financial status of most HOPE School students is such that they will never go to secondary school or university or be able to start a business without ongoing education/sponsorship support. This is due to their poverty levels and the costs for such education in Uganda. DR Congo is more affordable for the children.


Educational facility goals for next 5 years:

  1. Complete all buildings for all HOPE Nursery, Primary Schools and Secondary Schools, including library, laboratory, and computer room in each school.

  2. Commence building a third HOPE Secondary or Vocational Day and Boarding School with the ability to open before completion in Nakivale Refugee Settlement coupled with the existing HOPE School there.
    Note: Land for this secondary schools is available.

  3. Further develop the vocational training program at the House of Hope Safe House in Kitokye Village for vulnerable girls. Expand the training options beyond tailoring and horticultural farming.

  4. Develop Vocational Training Courses with facilities for incorporation into the Kabuga HOPE Secondary School for students not likely to attend university.

Strategies to achieve 5 year goals for educational facilities:

  1. Ongoing and increased fundraising in Australia for classroom construction and completion of existing rooms achieved by grants, fundraising teams efforts, raised awareness, and effective use of social media.

  2. Increase African farming projects, with produce and proceeds to offset the growing ongoing expenses for running the schools. Enlist the support of Australian agriculturalists to help achieve this.

  3. Forestry projects to produce eucalyptus and/or native timber for fuel, building timber and electricity poles with sales helping to offset recurring costs of running the schools and achieve self-sustainability.

  4. Increase school class sponsorship to 3 x $150 per month per class for providing funds for teacher’s salaries, curriculum, books, and equipment, and adjust as necessary as school salaries and costs increase.

  5. Further developing HOPE Teams from Australia to visit projects and commence ongoing financial and skills training support from relationships with our partners in the field.

  6. Research and initiate business activities that empower widows, ex-street kids/ex-sex slaves, unemployed and final graduates from HOPE Schools from our partner’s local communities, thereby providing income for their livelihoods and to become self-reliant.

  7. Continue to develop beneficial relationship with Ugandan and Congolese government officials and professionals who can help with medical, legal, land/building development issues and farming/forestry practice.

  8. Seek grants for rainwater tanks (or bores in some areas) and solar power for our HOPE Schools to improve hygiene, supply drinking and cooking water for the schools and local communities.

Strategy for finishing Education for well-performing HOPE school Students:

Build facilities for educating students graduating from S6 to study at degree
level. Provide for quality education at university level reachable by all potential candidates from the HOPE Schools.

  1. Operate quality vocational training centres for all other students that train, empower and equip students for self-sufficient living in an enjoyable and profitable livelihood.

  2. Provide small business finance for starting small businesses for all students leaving HOPE Schools under the oversight of our African partners.

  3. Provide expert advice, technology and guidance for all ventures to ensure success.

  4. Work with local African Government Officials at all levels to back up healthy activity for successful businesses for all graduates from HOPE Schools where their effort to make a living is supported by good local and national infrastructure and facilities for producing, and marketing of goods and services.